Lecture series

Connecting Youths and Children to Nature

Connected with

Schools and Colleges in Maharashtra
0 /40

Number of programs

lectures conducted


0 /4000



What do we want to achieve?

Educating school and college students about these valuable natural assets is critical in the present climate change context. With decades of experience in nature education and public awareness, the SCF team is backed by highly skilled team members and volunteers and is well placed to deliver the knowledge on the themes stated below to the youngsters and grown-ups alike.

15 core themes were identified for the presentations. Schools can select any of these or a combination of these online (using google meet) or offline (where the internet connection is unavailable).

Project is funded by ‘Tata Motors’

Lecture themes

  • Climate Change, its impact and adapting to changing climate
  • Mangroves, its biodiversity and coastal wetlands
  • Coral reefs biodiversity and its hotspots
  • Bird migration
  • Urban Forests and its biodiversity
  • Western Ghats
  • Wetlands of India
  • Key ecosystems of India
  • Important marine and coastal habitats
  • Important terrestrial habitats and Protected Areas
  • Endangered species and conservation programmes of Government of India
  • Why conserve nature?
  • Our backyard – forests and oceans and its biodiversity
  • Sustainable living - Refuse, Reuse and Recycle
  • Wonders of nature